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Date: 2025-02-10 || Time:

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Nippon Pharmaceutical Pvt. Limited develops, produces, and market drugs licensed for use as medications. Nippon Pharmaceutical Pvt. Limited is makers of both Ethical and Branded Generic medications. The company’s products are all registered in the Department Drugs Administration (DDA) Nepal. NIPPON Pharmaceutical Pvt. Limited has been in the business of manufacturing and supply of medicines from 2019. The company has been the preferred supplier of most of the pharmaceutical requirements of Government, Institutions like the Government Hospitals, Teaching Hospitals, clinics, private hospitals and MOH, NEPAL. Today, the company is reputed for the quality of its pharmaceutical products with over 50 products developed by in-house research and development division of the firm. NIPPON Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd, a service-oriented pharmaceutical company, was established in 2018 AD, with the sole motive of serving the nation through quality drugs at affordable prices, thereby, making a significant contribution in enhancing the health care service in the country. NIPPON Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd is Pharmaceutical formulation manufacturing company, located at Biratnagar-12, Morang. In the Eastern part of Nepal. The state of the art plant is equipped with sophisticated and ultra modern manufacturing facility and is constructed as per the WHO-GMP Norms. It consists of complete clean environments.

Director Massage

Nippon Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Is a pharmaceutical company involves in manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals formulation products. The company has leading view more....


हाम्रो बारेमा

हिपमत मिडिया हाउस प्रा. लि. द्वारा संचालित हिमपात डटकम अनलाईन पत्रिकाले सारा हिपमत नेपालीको साझा आवाजको रुपमा आफ्नो सामाचार सम्प्रेषण गर्ने छ ।

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Nippon Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Biratnagar, Bakhari-12, Morang, Nepal
Mobile No: 9802750403
Email: nipponpharma2006@gmail.com

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